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Welcome to the AUSExport Marketplace

Import and Export of B2B and B2C Marketplace for Australian Products

At AusExports, we’re more than just a marketplace; we’re a vibrant community dedicated to showcasing the diverse talents and treasures of Australia. From handcrafted goods to cutting-edge innovations, our platform offers a curated selection of products that embody the spirit of Australian excellence. With a commitment to quality, sustainability, and supporting local businesses, we strive to provide an exceptional shopping experience for buyers while empowering vendors to reach new heights of success. Join us in celebrating the rich tapestry of Australian culture and craftsmanship at AusExports.

Our Services:

1.  Product listing on the AusExports site

2. Products are also listed on selective Facebook Store, Instagram Store, Google Store, dHgate, eBay, Amazon, and many more e-commerce sites for greater visibility of Australian-produced goods.

3. Global marketing of Australian Goods on traditional media 

4. Targeted Digital Marketing of Australian Goods online platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Google, YouTube,  TikTok, Whatsapp, WeChat, and more.

5. Assistance with the Delivery and Logistics process after a sales/export takes place.

7. Electronic forms, permits, and declarations for export and delivery work all can be performed online through our partnered solutions, helping you to keep transactions and details secure.

 8. Allow you to receive all earnings securely in your bank or financial institution after our very low commission only to be paid after we make the sales/export. 

9. Connect with a global market and overseas importers from one place.

10. Manage all your products for e-commerce and the global market from one place. Plan all your marketing and coverage on all social media and platforms from one place.

AusExports.com.au is owned and operated by AusExports Australia which is a division of Dynamics Smart Systems Pty Ltd, Victoria, Australia. Link